Contact Association Management - to ask questions about or report
- property maintenance issues
- safety issues
- unit remodeling
- association documents, procedures and operations
- governance
- association rules
- budget
- planning for landscaping and or common area improvements
Stephen Worley, Mauna Lani Point Association Manager
Phone: 808-960-3988
Please note that the Mauna Lani Point (MLP) Homeowners Association contracts with the management firm of CoralTree Residence Collection to provide services in managing the site common areas and operations of MLP. The Association and its Association Manager are not responsible for issues inside individual units, unless they arise from common property concerns (e.g., irrigation, building structure).
Front Desk
Phone: 808-885-5022
The front desk staff can provide help on various concierge and administrative services available to owners and information about the local area.
Join the Rental Program:
CoralTree Residence Collection- Rental Management - for those owners who have contracted with CoralTree Residence Collection to manage their rental units, direct maintenance and rental questions/comments to:
Matty Gaskill, CoralTree Residence Collection
Owner Experience Manager
Phone: 808-210-3783
Contact your contracted rental manager for rental issues.